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Facing Our mortality

** NEW** 4 Hour Info Session

109 Canadian dollars

Service Description

It’s much a fact…we are all going to die. No surprise in that statement. What causes so many people to be SO fearful, even a little fearful, of dying and death? How can people become more open to thinking of and talking about death? How can it be done in such a way that the preparation for dying and death become a norm in life. Imagine a society where people embrace dying and death, for themselves and each other. A century ago, when death care was taken over by funeral homes, it meant that the practicality of death would soon become something that families no longer dealt with or even discussed. This dissonance grew in the following decades and worsened because of the anti-aging movement. There is a common way of thinking maintaining that if people are not doing everything to live healthfully, then we aren’t trying hard enough to avoid death. This half day session covers a tender topic with light heartedness. We will explore ways in which people can be cognizant that death is inevitable and use this way of thinking as a platform to enhance the quality of life. Any age (18+) and every stage of life are welcome! Join us in the conversation!

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Edmonton, AB, Canada

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