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~ creating
an era
dying and death
embodiment ~

...death hath ten thousand several doors for men to take their exits...

~John Webster, the Duchess of Malfi


Our goal is to make our mark in the rapidly evolving death positive movement.  We are invested in providing academic opportunities where participants will learn the history of death care, the current model of end of life care in Canada, the contemplative nature and philosophy of doula care, as well as the principles and practical techniques specific to the role of doula. 

We offer a comprehensive and evolving End of Life Doula Care Certification, workshops, seminars, information sessions and public discussions. Each platform has been designed to encourage the development of community and a sense of belonging that is inspired by the transformational nature of dying and death, thus discovering opportunities for personal growth that are typically inherent in sorrow, loss and grief.
That said, not everyone is searching to answer a vocational calling as an End of Life Doula but do have a desire to contribute to lessen the suffering of dying and death.

With that in mind, our programs can equally serve as an opportunity for practical application. Open, honest dialogue with family members coping with death, or a conversation with a dying person facilitated in a supportive atmosphere where thoughts, desires, emotions and fears can be safely expressed are ways in which we positively affect the direction of the stewardship.
Most of us will require supportive care providers during our end of life transitions and everyone deserves to experience dying and death in a way that mirrors their life values.

Death requires more of us, more of our hearts; emotionally, spiritually and energetically.  A more meaningful life, inclusive of dying and death exists when we understand what dying might look and feel like.
Becoming familiar with available resources and having conversations within families and communities are ways to help embrace the care of our loved ones through their dying days and beyond. When we are confident that the important details are taken care of, we find more peace which allows us to capture more moments of real joy. Planning for our end of life transitional phase, with special attention to ‘life quality’, during the dying phase, reassures us that we won’t be forgotten.

Leading-Edge Education
& Training Appeal
Leading-Edge Education
& Training Appeal

to those who are called to End of Life Doula Care; to family members supporting a dying loved one; to professionals involved in any level of care for those approaching the end of life transition; to communities and professional organizations.

Patient/Family Centered Supportive Care
Patient/Family Centered Supportive Care

provided by willing, nurturing and compassionate people who help others to embrace the dying and death process and who want to have a positive effect on the societal and cultural norms at end of life.

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