We provide leading edge education and training in End of Life Doula Care. Our highly dedicated educational team will prepare end of life doulas to meet the needs and desires of every dying person. Doulas provide physical, practical, social, emotional and spiritual support. While they may also have other careers with educational backgrounds relating to the medical field, a doula's scope of practice does not include medical care. A doula ensures that each dying person is informed about their rights, options and choices. Every dying person’s values are considered the highest priority in their overall care.
Our educational components are informative, interactive and transformational. They will benefit anyone who would like to better understand how to coordinate or facilitate an end of life transition or understand the process of dying and embracing a positive death practice, independently and collectively.

Planning and preparing for dying and death
evidence based education and information
advocacy and consultancy
Legacy Work and Life Review Projects
Contemplative companionship
Family/Friend Caregiver mentorship
emotional and physical (non-medical) support
Respite Care
Keeping vigil
Celebrations, ceremonies and rituals
family tradition guidance and support
Funeral Choices and Burial Options
after death body care
Grief Support
families, individuals, children and pet owners
trauma recovery
AND much more .....

End of life doulas ensure that each dying person’s values, rights, options and choices are given priority and his/her emotional and spiritual needs are addressed in the overall care plan.
Each of us has the right to have the experience that mirrors the way they live life; including values, morals, preferences and needs.
Public health services are wide and varied and at times come up short, despite the efforts of many professional care providers. Due to aging baby boomers, the number of humans dying is increasing. There is much to know about the current state of medical/palliative care framework in each Canada and worldwide. What is the level of care is acceptable? Do you know your rights? Who do you want caring for you or your loved ones at the end of life?
“Being of service is not an option, it is a biological necessity. Every kind of action we do for someone is a reanimation of our own life force – and of the other person’s. – Caroline Myss
The end of life transition can be difficult to navigate. Family members may be in a different locale or have other responsibilities, and balancing life when a sudden upheaval is thrust upon them requires meticulous, thoughtful and timely planning and preparation. Our multi-disciplinary, patient-centered team ensures that every aspect of care is addressed, and each area is effective and efficient in fulfilling their assigned commitment to the patient’s multitude of needs and desires.
Whether it is the person experiencing end of life or their family and friends, we work with our clients to provide support in whatever way it is best suited. Each situation is unique insomuch as each of us are, and our role is to fill in the gaps for best possible overall care. We often become part of the family and do what we can, where we can (within scope). We can also partner with medical practitioners and organizations (as your case manager) in the development of personal care plans and with the navigation of health/hospital/medical issues.

Life review and legacy work are projects that highlight life’s biggest moments and can have important immediate benefits to a dying person and family members. These are opportunities that can help us to see a new or different perspective, that makes possible the writing of the final chapter that is our own unique legacy. Working on a project together brings connection and creates a natural opportunity for loved ones to talk, or just be with one another. We work together to conceptualize, design, develop and complete any project that is meaningful for you.

People in ancient and modern times include celebration as part of death. Ceremonies and rituals being at the heart of celebration are also common. How, when and where these typically public occasions occur, are limited only by imagination and creativity. Families and communities also have every opportunity to honour their loved one in the typical North Americans funeral homes. As society begins to change its perspective on death, we are discovering other ways to celebrate the life of our loved ones. This includes elements that are tailored to positively reflect and mirror that person's values.
In modern times, families and some religious communities continue to care for a loved one’s body following death. In North America, the more commonly used practice is to allow hospitals to arrange a transfer to the funeral home for posthumous care. However, many humans have an intrinsic desire to care for their loved one after death.
Washing, dressing and laying out our loved one's body for visitation, is considered completely normal and acceptable in many cultures and was the norm in North America prior to industrialization of funeral homes and advances in medical care through hospitals. Our doulas facilitate this type of care, followed by a funeral or celebration within a residential home. This ritual is loving, respectful and allows us to fully honour our loved ones. Green burial grounds, that are eco-friendly, (no embalment required) exists and are on the rise throughout Canada. These natural death care options allow us to take time to process our feelings and come to terms with loss, aiding in healing our sorrow.
We are able to guide and support individual families towards embodying the funeral and burial of their choice, including those held in funeral homes and cemetaries as we know them to be today.

Experiencing the dying process and the death of a loved can cause more stress than we sometimes can handle, especially for those directly involved in care. Because dying and the needs of the dying can be unexpected, sometimes families do not have the resources to provide the quality of care that their loved one wants and deserves. The public health system isn't able to meet many needs that fall outside of their level of care. Our doulas are trained to provide respite care (non-medical) in ways that will give caregivers breathing room and time to attend to their own and each others needs.
There is a worldwide premise that no person should have to die alone. Often while in a hospital or hospice/palliative care system, staff are required to care for many individuals at once and the active dying phase is one where a patient is often left alone for periods only to be checked on occasionally and as is medically required. For this particular service, our team of doulas can attend the bedside around the clock alongside family and friends as support or in the case where family/friends aren't able to be available.

The loss of a loved one changes our lives in unexpected ways. Sometimes, the feelings that result from death can be unfamiliar and unexpected. It can even be traumatizing and cause tremendous emotional pain. Not knowing how to prepare or how to cope with the inevitable emotions makes it difficult to know how to help ourselves. When we are overwhelmed by sorrow and despair, assistance and support, aids in minimizing the impact. So that we can continue to care for ourselves in ways that gives us balance and that honors our loss, reaching out is important. We also have specific support plans for children and those who experience pet loss.
Our therapists use a variety of healing modalities and therapeutic approaches including (not limited to) Grief Recovery Method, Somatic Experiencing, EMDR, Hakomi, and art/play therapy, to assist our clients in regaining life balance.
A “calling”, is defined as a “a strong urge toward a particular way of life or career; a vocation: "those who have a special calling to minister to others' needs"